Sunday, August 22, 2010
Private and Civil Law In The Russion. Federation essays in honor of F.J.M. Feldbrugge
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William B. Simons, Ferdinand Joseph Maria Feldbrugge
BRILL, 2009 - 368 pages
Russiaa (TM)s a oeEconomic Constitutiona - its Civil Code - establishes crucial rules for post-Soviet society: freedom of contract and from arbitrary state interference are only two examples. In this volume, distinguished Russian and foreign scholars and practitioners examine post-Soviet changes in Russian private law and their impact upon law and society.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Enviromental Justice and The Right of Indegenous People
Laura Westra
Earthscan, 2008 - 352pages
More than 300 million people in over 70 countries make up the world's indigenous populations. Yet despite ever-growing pressures on their lands, environment and way of life through outside factors such as climate change and globalization, their rights in these and other respects are still not fully recognized in international law. In this incisive book, Laura Westra deftly reveals the lethal effects that damage to ecological integrity can have on communities. Using examples in national and international case law, she demonstrates how their lack of sufficient legal rights leaves indigenous peoples defenseless, time and again, in the face of governments and businesses who have little effective incentive to consult with them (let alone gain their consent) in going ahead with relocations, mining plans and more. The historical background and current legal instruments are discussed and, through examples from the Americas, Africa, Oceania and the special case of the Arctic, a picture emerges of how things must change if indigenous communities are to survive. It is a warning to us all from the example of those who live most closely in tune with nature and are the first to feel the impact when environmental damage goes unchecked.
Individual Criminal Responsibility for core International Crimes
Ciara Damgaard
2008 - 456 pages
The concept of individual criminal responsibility for core international crimes is, by now, a well-established principle in international criminal law. However, while the general principle behind the concept is by and large unproblematic, its practical application underscores its complexity. The aim of this book is to examine three pertinent issues relating to the concept of individual criminal responsibility for core international crimes: (i) The joint criminal enterprise doctrine; (ii) The defining criteria of international criminal courts, for the purposes of an evaluation of the lifting of state official immunity for core international crimes, in the light of the findings of the ICJ in the Arrest Warrant case; and (iii) The imposition of individual criminal responsibility for terrorism as a crime against humanity, both in international law and in relation to the ICC Statute.
International Relation and The Problem of Difference
Naeem Inayatullah, David L. Blaney
Routledge, 2004 - 276 pages
This work developed out of the growing sense that International Relations as a discipline does not assess the quality of cultural interactions that shape, and are shaped by, the changing structures and processes of the international system. IR has long had little to say about the motivations of individuals, about the interactions of communities, or about the role of identity. Inayatullah and Blaney re-imagine IR as a uniquely placed site for the study of differences. They suggest that IR might be organized explicitly around the exploration of the relation of wholes and parts and sameness and difference.
Maritim Security. International Law and Policy Perspective From Australia and New Zealand
Natalie Klein, Joanna Mossop, Donald R. Rothwell
Taylor and Francis, 2009 - 277 pages
Maritime security is of vital importance to Australia and New Zealand as both countries depend on maritime transport for their economic survival. Since the events of September 11th 2001, significant questions have been raised as to whether Australia and New Zealand are adequately prepared for the consequences of a major disruption to global shipping following a terrorist attack on a leading regional port such as Hong Kong or Singapore. Considerable efforts have also been undertaken to improve responses to an array of maritime security threats, such as transnational crime, environmental pollution, and piracy and armed robbery.
This volume identifies those issues that particularly affect Australia and New Zealand's maritime security, evaluating the issues from legal and political perspectives, and proposes methods for improving maritime security in the two countries. While the focus is primarily on Australia and New Zealand, the scope extends to regional considerations, addressing matters related to Pacific Island states, Southeast Asia and the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic region. The book also addresses strategic partnerships examining the influence of the United States, and analyses issues within the broad framework of international law and politics.
Maritime Security: International Law and Policy Perspectives from Australia and New Zealand will be of great interest to scholars of international law, international relations and maritime affairs, maritime industry professionals, private and government lawyers, as well as diplomats, consuls and government officials.
Political Realism in International Theory
Roger D. Spegele
Cambridge University Press, 1996 - 284 pages
Roger Spegele develops a new version of realism which stresses links between ethics and international politics.
The UN Security Council and The Politics of International Authority
Bruce Cronin, Ian Hurd
Routledge, 2008 - 249 pages
This book observes how the growth of the political authority of the Council challenges the basic idea that states have legal autonomy over their domestic affairs. The individual essays survey the implications that flow from these developments in the crucial policy areas of: terrorism; economic sanctions; the prosecution of war crimes; human rights; humanitarian intervention; and, the use of force. In each of these areas, the evidence shows a complex and fluid relation between state sovereignty, the power of the United Nations, and the politics of international legitimation. Demonstrating how world politics has come to accommodate the contradictory institutions of international authority and international anarchy, this book makes an important contribution to how we understand and study international organizations and international law. Written by leading experts in the field, this volume will be of strong interest to students and scholars of international relations, international organizations, internationallaw and global governance.
Rising to the Challenge: China's Grand Strategy and International Security
Avery Goldstein
NUS Press, 2008 - 288 pages
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Realizing Hope Life Beyond Capitalism
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Michael Albert
Zed Books, 2006 - 198 pages
Zed Books, 2006 - 198 pages
Something is profoundly wrong with capitalism. Vast inequalities of wealth and power will not take the world to a better future. 'What is the alternative?' is a question echoing all around the globe. Michael Albert has wrestled with this question for many years, and his answer regarding economics has captured the imagination of many. 'Participatory Economics' - 'Parecon' for short - Albert's proposed economic system to replace capitalism, rejects competitive anti-sociality, individualist greed, commercial homogenization, and corporate hierarchy, and in their place elevates solidarity, equity, diversity, and self-management.
Capitalism. A Very Short Introduction
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James Fulcher
Oxford University Press, 2004 - 139 pages
James Fulcher
Oxford University Press, 2004 - 139 pages
This Introduction explores the origins of capitalism and questions whether it did indeed originate in Europe. It examines a distinctive stage in the development of capitalism that began in the 1980s, in order to understand where we are now and how capitalism has evolved since. The book discusses the crisis tendencies of capitalism--including the S.E. Asian banking crisis, the collapse of the Russian economy, and the 1997-1998 global financial crisis--asking whether capitalism is doomed to fail. In the end, the author ruminates on a possible alternative to capitalism, discussing socialism, communal and cooperative experiments, and alternatives proposed by environmentalists.
Conflict in Environmental Regulation and the Internalisation of the State
Conflict in Environmental Regulation and the Internalisation of the State
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Ulrich Brand
Routledge, 2008 - 278 halaman
This book examines the global regulation of biodiversity politics through the UN UNConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the WTO and other international treaties. Using historical-materialist state and regulation theory, it assesses how the discourse and politics of sustainable development have contributed to the internationalisation of the state. The authors argue that sustainable development, far from being a fixed concept, is a conceptual terrain on which different and conflicting symbolisations of and solutions responses to of the ecological crisis struggle for hegemony. Furthermore, it shows that the international multilateral environmental organisations agreements are not at all a means to counteract neoliberal globalisation but, on the contrary, form an integral part of the ongoing transformation process. Focussing on the UN Convention on Biological DiversityCBD, the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) in the World Trade Organisation, this co-authored volume addresses the following issues: state theory, regulation theory and International Political Economy biodiversity protection and valorisation of genetic resources access to genetic resources and sharing of benefits which arise out of its use enforcement of intellectual property rights and their impact on biodiversity. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of international politics, international political economy, environmental studies, development studies and political ecology.
Routledge, 2008 - 278 halaman
This book examines the global regulation of biodiversity politics through the UN UNConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the WTO and other international treaties. Using historical-materialist state and regulation theory, it assesses how the discourse and politics of sustainable development have contributed to the internationalisation of the state. The authors argue that sustainable development, far from being a fixed concept, is a conceptual terrain on which different and conflicting symbolisations of and solutions responses to of the ecological crisis struggle for hegemony. Furthermore, it shows that the international multilateral environmental organisations agreements are not at all a means to counteract neoliberal globalisation but, on the contrary, form an integral part of the ongoing transformation process. Focussing on the UN Convention on Biological DiversityCBD, the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) in the World Trade Organisation, this co-authored volume addresses the following issues: state theory, regulation theory and International Political Economy biodiversity protection and valorisation of genetic resources access to genetic resources and sharing of benefits which arise out of its use enforcement of intellectual property rights and their impact on biodiversity. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of international politics, international political economy, environmental studies, development studies and political ecology.
Foreign Policy Analysis. A Comparative Introduction
Foreign Policy Analysis:
A Comparative Introduction
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Marijke Breuning
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 - 220 pages
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 - 220 pages
This book's conceptual introduction to foreign policy analysis focuses on decision makers and decision making. Each chapter is organized around puzzles and questions to which undergraduate students can easily relate. The book emphasizes the importance of individuals in foreign policy decision making, while also placing decision makers within the context that shapes their perceptions and actions.
Global Citizenship and Enviromental Justice
Global citizenship and environmental justice
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Tony Shallcross, John Robinson
Rodopi, 2006 - 193 halaman
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Game Theory and International Enviromental Cooperation get this book by free
Michael Finus
Edward Elgar, 2001 - 416 pages
Because there are no supranational institutions that can enforce international environmental agreements, and so countries must deal with each other directly over such matters as global emissions, Finus (U. of Hagen, Germany) finds game theory particularly suited for analyzing international environmental problems. He investigates various strategies to provide countries with an incentive to accede, agree, and comply to an international environmental agreement. He shows that by integrating real-world restrictions into a model, game theory becomes a powerful tool for explaining the divergence between first-best policy recommendations and second-best designs of actual agreements. He suggests that small coalitions might be more stable and accomplish more than a single, overarching agreement. Annotation copyrighted by Book News Inc., Portland, OR
Making Feminist Sense of International Politics
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Cynthia H. Enloe
University of California Press, 2000 - 244 pages
This radical analysis of globalization reveals the crucial role of women in international politics today. Cynthia Enloe pulls back the curtain on the familiar scenes--governments promoting tourism, companies moving their factories overseas, soldiers serving on foreign soil--and shows that the real landscape is not exclusively male. She describes how many women's seemingly personal strategies--in their marriages, in their housework, in their coping with ideals of beauty--are, in reality, the stuff of global politics. In exposing policymakers' reliance on false notions of "femininity" and "masculinity," Enloe dismantles an apparently overwhelming world system, revealing it to be much more fragile and open to change than we think. This radical analysis of globalization reveals the crucial role of women in international politics today. Cynthia Enloe pulls back the curtain on the familiar scenes--governments promoting tourism, companies moving their factories overseas, soldiers serving on foreign soil--and shows that the real landscape is not exclusively male. She describes how many women's seemingly personal strategies--in their marriages, in their housework, in their coping with ideals of beauty--are, in reality, the stuff of global politics. In exposing policymakers' reliance on false notions of "femininity" and "masculinity," Enloe dismantles an apparently overwhelming world system, revealing it to be much more fragile and open to change than we think.
How International Law Works. A Rational Choice Theory
Andrew T Guzman
Oxford University Press US, 2008 - 260 Pages
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How International Law Works presents a theory of international law, how it operates, and why it works. Though appeals to international law have grown ever more central to international disputes and international relations, there is no well-developed, comprehensive theory of how international law shapes policy outcomes.
Filling a conspicuous gap in the literature on international law, Andrew T. Guzman builds a coherent theory from the ground up and applies it to the foundations of the international legal system. Using tools from across the social sciences Guzman deploys a rational choice methodology to explain how a legal system can succeed in the absence of coercive enforcement. He demonstrates how even rational and selfish states are motivated by concerns about reciprocal non-compliance, retaliation, and reputation to comply with their international legal commitments.
Contradicting the conventional view of the subject among international legal scholars, Guzman argues that the primary sources of international commitment--formal treaties, customary international law, soft law, and even international norms--must be understood as various points on a spectrum of commitment rather than wholly distinct legal structures.
Taking a rigorous and theoretically sound look at international law, How International Law Works provides
Filling a conspicuous gap in the literature on international law, Andrew T. Guzman builds a coherent theory from the ground up and applies it to the foundations of the international legal system. Using tools from across the social sciences Guzman deploys a rational choice methodology to explain how a legal system can succeed in the absence of coercive enforcement. He demonstrates how even rational and selfish states are motivated by concerns about reciprocal non-compliance, retaliation, and reputation to comply with their international legal commitments.
Contradicting the conventional view of the subject among international legal scholars, Guzman argues that the primary sources of international commitment--formal treaties, customary international law, soft law, and even international norms--must be understood as various points on a spectrum of commitment rather than wholly distinct legal structures.
Taking a rigorous and theoretically sound look at international law, How International Law Works provides
an in-depth, thoroughgoing guide to the complexities of international law, offers guidance to those managing relations among nations, and helps us to understand when we can look to international law to resolve problems, and when we must accept that we live in an anarchic world in which some issues can be resolved only through politics.
Maneurvers. The International Politics of Militarizing Women's Lives
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Cynthia H. Enloe
University of California Press, 2000 - 418 pages
Maneuvers takes readers on a global tour of the sprawling process called "militarization." With her incisive verve and moxie, eminent feminist Cynthia Enloe shows that the people who become militarized are not just the obvious ones--executives and factory floor workers who make fighter planes, land mines, and intercontinental missiles. They are also the employees of food companies, toy companies, clothing companies, film studios, stock brokerages, and advertising agencies. Militarization is never gender-neutral, Enloe claims: It is a personal and political transformation that relies on ideas about femininity and masculinity. Films that equate action with war, condoms that are designed with a camouflage pattern, fashions that celebrate brass buttons and epaulettes, tomato soup that contains pasta shaped like Star Wars weapons--all of these contribute to militaristic values that mold our culture in both war and peace.
Presenting new and groundbreaking material that builds on Enloe's acclaimed work in Does Khaki Become You? and Bananas, Beaches, and Bases, Maneuvers takes an international look at the politics of masculinity, nationalism, and globalization. Enloe ranges widely from Japan to Korea, Serbia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Britain, Israel, the United States, and many points in between. She covers a broad variety of subjects: gays in the military, the history of "camp followers," the politics of women who have sexually serviced male soldiers, married life in the military, military nurses, and the recruitment of women into the military. One chapter titled "When Soldiers Rape" explores the many facets of the issue in countries such as Chile, the Philippines, Okinawa, Rwanda, and the United States.
Enloe outlines the dilemmas feminists around the globe face in trying to craft theories and strategies that support militarized women, locally and internationally, without unwittingly being militarized themselves. She explores the complicated militarized experiences of women as prostitutes, as rape victims, as mothers, as wives, as nurses, and as feminist activists, and she uncovers the "maneuvers" that military officials and their civilian supporters have made in order to ensure that each of these groups of women feel special and separate. Maneuvers takes readers on a global tour of the sprawling process called "militarization." With her incisive verve and moxie, eminent feminist Cynthia Enloe shows that the people who become militarized are not just the obvious ones--executives and factory floor workers who make fighter planes, land mines, and intercontinental missiles. They are also the employees of food companies, toy companies, clothing companies, film studios, stock brokerages, and advertising agencies. Militarization is never gender-neutral, Enloe claims: It is a personal and political transformation that relies on ideas about femininity and masculinity. Films that equate action with war, condoms that are designed with a camouflage pattern, fashions that celebrate brass buttons and epaulettes, tomato soup that contains pasta shaped like Star Wars weapons--all of these contribute to militaristic values that mold our culture in both war and peace.
Presenting new and groundbreaking material that builds on Enloe's acclaimed work in Does Khaki Become You? and Bananas, Beaches, and Bases, Maneuvers takes an international look at the politics of masculinity, nationalism, and globalization. Enloe ranges widely from Japan to Korea, Serbia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Britain, Israel, the United States, and many points in between. She covers a broad variety of subjects: gays in the military, the history of "camp followers," the politics of women who have sexually serviced male soldiers, married life in the military, military nurses, and the recruitment of women into the military. One chapter titled "When Soldiers Rape" explores the many facets of the issue in countries such as Chile, the Philippines, Okinawa, Rwanda, and the United States.
Enloe outlines the dilemmas feminists around the globe face in trying to craft theories and strategies that support militarized women, locally and internationally, without unwittingly being militarized themselves. She explores the complicated militarized experiences of women as prostitutes, as rape victims, as mothers, as wives, as nurses, and as feminist activists, and she uncovers the "maneuvers" that military officials and their civilian supporters have made in order to ensure that each of these groups of women feel special and separate.
Presenting new and groundbreaking material that builds on Enloe's acclaimed work in Does Khaki Become You? and Bananas, Beaches, and Bases, Maneuvers takes an international look at the politics of masculinity, nationalism, and globalization. Enloe ranges widely from Japan to Korea, Serbia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Britain, Israel, the United States, and many points in between. She covers a broad variety of subjects: gays in the military, the history of "camp followers," the politics of women who have sexually serviced male soldiers, married life in the military, military nurses, and the recruitment of women into the military. One chapter titled "When Soldiers Rape" explores the many facets of the issue in countries such as Chile, the Philippines, Okinawa, Rwanda, and the United States.
Enloe outlines the dilemmas feminists around the globe face in trying to craft theories and strategies that support militarized women, locally and internationally, without unwittingly being militarized themselves. She explores the complicated militarized experiences of women as prostitutes, as rape victims, as mothers, as wives, as nurses, and as feminist activists, and she uncovers the "maneuvers" that military officials and their civilian supporters have made in order to ensure that each of these groups of women feel special and separate. Maneuvers takes readers on a global tour of the sprawling process called "militarization." With her incisive verve and moxie, eminent feminist Cynthia Enloe shows that the people who become militarized are not just the obvious ones--executives and factory floor workers who make fighter planes, land mines, and intercontinental missiles. They are also the employees of food companies, toy companies, clothing companies, film studios, stock brokerages, and advertising agencies. Militarization is never gender-neutral, Enloe claims: It is a personal and political transformation that relies on ideas about femininity and masculinity. Films that equate action with war, condoms that are designed with a camouflage pattern, fashions that celebrate brass buttons and epaulettes, tomato soup that contains pasta shaped like Star Wars weapons--all of these contribute to militaristic values that mold our culture in both war and peace.
Presenting new and groundbreaking material that builds on Enloe's acclaimed work in Does Khaki Become You? and Bananas, Beaches, and Bases, Maneuvers takes an international look at the politics of masculinity, nationalism, and globalization. Enloe ranges widely from Japan to Korea, Serbia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Britain, Israel, the United States, and many points in between. She covers a broad variety of subjects: gays in the military, the history of "camp followers," the politics of women who have sexually serviced male soldiers, married life in the military, military nurses, and the recruitment of women into the military. One chapter titled "When Soldiers Rape" explores the many facets of the issue in countries such as Chile, the Philippines, Okinawa, Rwanda, and the United States.
Enloe outlines the dilemmas feminists around the globe face in trying to craft theories and strategies that support militarized women, locally and internationally, without unwittingly being militarized themselves. She explores the complicated militarized experiences of women as prostitutes, as rape victims, as mothers, as wives, as nurses, and as feminist activists, and she uncovers the "maneuvers" that military officials and their civilian supporters have made in order to ensure that each of these groups of women feel special and separate.
Between Equal Right. Historical Materialism Book Series
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China Miéville
BRILL, 2005 - 375 pages
This book critically examines existing theories of international law and makes the case for an alternative Marxist approach. China Miiville draws on the pioneering jurisprudence of Evgeny Pashukanis linking law to commodity exchange, and in turn uses international law to make better sense of Pashukanis. Miiville argues that despite its advances, the recent 'New Stream' of radical international legal scholarship, like the mainstream it opposes, fails to make sense of the legal form itself. Drawing on Marxist theory and a critical history of international law from the sixteenth century to the present day, Miiville seeks to address that failure, and argues that international law is fundamentally constituted by the violence of imperialism.
A Decade of Human Security. A Global Governance and New Multilateralism
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Sandra Jean MacLean, David Ross Black, Timothy M. Shaw
Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2006 - 247 pagesHuman security has been advanced as an alternative to traditional state-based conceptualizations of security, yet controversies about the use and abuse of the concept remain. Investigating innovations in the advancement of the human security agenda over the past decade, this book identifies themes and processes around which consensus for future policy action might be built. It considers the ongoing debates regarding the human security agenda, explores prospects and projects for the advancement of human security, addresses issues of human security as emerging forms of new multilateralisms and examines claims that human security is being undermined by US unilateralisms. This comprehensive volume explores the theoretical debate surrounding human security and details the implications for practical application. It will prove ideal for students of international relations, security studies and development studies.
A Human Security Doctrine for Europe. Project, Principles and Practicalities
This edited collection sets out a new approach to security which focused on the European Union. It argues that threats to Europeans like weapons of mass destruction or terrorism can only be countered if we address the insecurity of people in different parts of the world. Many people in the world lead intolerably insecure lives. In large parts of Africa, the Balkans, Central Asia or the Middle East, men and women live in daily fear of violent attacks, kidnapping, rape, extortion, robbery or trafficking. The existence of large military apparatuses do not create security; indeed, as in Iraq, the use of regular military forces may only make things worse. This edited volume explores the needs of people in conflict areas, rather than taking an institutional or geo-political perspective. It proposes that Europe should develop a new kind of human security capability that involves the military, the police and civilians all working together to enforce law rather than to fight wars. The book is a recordof the work of the Study Group on Europe's Security Capabilities, an independent group convened at the request of EU High Representative Javier Solana to advise on the future of European security policy. It is the first comprehensive academic and policy response to the European Security Strategy, published by the European Union in December 2003. Apart from the Study Group's Barcelona Report, it contains fifteen studies especially commissioned by the Study Group to help develop its approach: Two introductory contributions setting out the changed global context and proposing new approaches to security Five regional studies on the Balkans, the Great Lakes Region, the Middle East, the South Caucasus and West-Africa Four framework studies on different aspects of EU security policy, including the legal setting, the role of women, operational principles and the role of the new member states Four operational studies on capabilities, resources andinstitutional embedding Written by a diverse team of international experts, this book will of be of strong interest to students and researchers of security studies, peace studies, human rights and international relations.
International Institution and National Policies
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Xinyuan Dai
Cambridge University Press, 2007 - 187 Pages
The proliferation of international institutions and their impact has become a central issue in international relations. Why do countries comply with international agreements and how do international institutions influence national policies? Most theories focus on the extent to which international institutions can wield 'carrots and sticks' directly in their relations with states. Xinyuan Dai presents an alternative framework in which they influence national policies indirectly by utilizing non-state actors (NGOs, social movements) and empowering domestic constituencies. In this way, even weak international institutions that lack 'carrots and sticks' may have powerful effects on states. Supported by empirical studies of environmental politics, human rights and economic and security issues, this book sheds fresh light on how and why international institutions matter. It will be of interest to students, scholars and policymakers in both international relations and international law.
I'm a fan. The empirical evidence in each chapter could be much stronger and one could argue with Dai's theoretical interpretations (I still need to be convinced that the chapter about weak institutions is logical), but I find myself coming back to this book again and again as one with thought-provoking concepts. Her chapter on the shape of monitoring mechanisms is convincing, and she accomplishes her objective of bringing domestic politics very explicitly into explanations of state action in upholding international agreements (or not). Meredith - Goodreads
Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy
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This is one of the most comprehensively educational works we've ever come across. The older 1st edition is now a bargain, with the bulk of its articles, covering pre-1978 events/issues, still holding great validity. They would make valuable supplementary copies in a school or public library, or highly informative reference works in a private one. We're anticipating as much fun with our copies over the next couple of years as we had with War And Peace!
WE INVITE A COMPARATIVE REVIEW from anyone familiar with the additions and updates in the 12/2001 Second Edition; diplomats and/or scholars, kindly pass this on....
Here for your delectation is the 1st Edition's complete 3-Volume Topics List (if it all fits: Volume 3 ends with "Unconditional Surrender"):
International Law From Below. Development, Social Movement and Third World Resistance
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Balakhrisnan Rajagopal
Cambridge University Press, 2003 - 343 pages
Balakrishnan Rajagopal's fundamental critique of modern international law draws attention to traditional Third World engagements. Rajagopal challenges current approaches to international law and politics either through states or through individuals. With transnational and local social movement action now becoming increasingly visible and important--as witnessed in Seattle in 1999, he demonstrates that a new global order must consider seriously the resistance of social movements in the development of international law.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Al Qaida's Jihad in Europe
Evan Kohlmann
Berg Publishers, 2004 - 239 pages
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Why did so many of the 9/11 hijackers spend time in Germany? How did terrorist sleeper cells plant themselves in cities like London, Paris, Rome, and Hamburg? What exactly is Al-Qaida's connection to Europe? Terrorism analyst Evan F. Kohlmann unveils a new angle to the deadly international terrorist organization and reveals the root of its terror lies in the Bosnian War. He includes recently declassified American and European intelligence reports, secret Al-Qaida records and internal documents, and interviews with notorious figures such as London-based Bin Laden sympathizer Abu Hamza Al-Masri. This is the first book to uncover the secret history of how Europe was systematically infiltrated by the ranks of the most dangerous terrorist organization on earth, as told by the terrorists themselves and the daring investigators who have tirelessly tracked them over the past decade.
The EU, NATO and The Integration of Europe
Frank Schimmelfennig
Cambridge University Press, 2003 - 323 Pages
Frank Schimmelfennig analyzes the Eastern enlargement of the European Union and NATO and develops a theoretical approach of "rhetorical action" to explain why it occurred. Backed by original data, and drawing on sociological institutional theory, he demonstrates that the expansion to the East can be best understood in terms of liberal democratic values and norms. He highlights the practice of the Western community in shaming opponents into agreeing to enlargement.
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After Authority. War, Peace and Global Politics in 21st Century
Ronnie D. LipschutzSUNY Press, 2000 - 242 halaman
In the second of what he thinks of a his security trilogy, Lipshutz (politics, U. of California-Santa Cruz) combines previously published and new material to offer a historical overview of what he calls the current evolving international political revolution. In the context of previous periods of rapid change, such as the industrial revolution, he examines how institutions erected after World War II to promote stability are under severe pressure from global capitalism, deregulation, and social innovation.
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A Liberal Theory of International Justice
Oxford University Press US, 2009 - 233 Pages
This book advances a novel theory of international justice that combines the orthodox liberal notion that the lives of individuals are what ultimately matter morally with the putatively antiliberal idea of an irreducibly collective right of self-governance. The individual and her rights are placed at center stage insofar as political states are judged legitimate if they adequately protect the human rights of their constituents and respect the rights of all others. Yet, the book argues that legitimate states have a moral right to self-determination and that this right is inherently collective, irreducible to the individual rights of the persons who constitute them. Exploring the implications of these ideas, the book addresses issues pertaining to democracy, secession, international criminal law, armed intervention, political assassination, global distributive justice, and immigration. A number of the positions taken in the book run against the grain of current academic opinion: there is no human right to democracy; separatist groups can be morally entitled to secede from legitimate states; the fact that it is a matter of brute luck whether one is born in a wealthy state or a poorer one does not mean that economic inequalities across states must be minimized or even kept within certain limits; most existing states have no right against armed intervention; and it is morally permissible for a legitimate state to exclude all would-be immigrants.
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Worlding Women. A Feminist International Politics
Jan Jindy Pettman, Jan Pettman
Routledge, 1996 - 272 Pages
In Worlding Women Jan Jindy Pettman asks 'Where are the women in international relations?' She develops a broad picture of women in colonial and postcolonial relations; in racialised, ethnic and national identity conflicts; in wars, liberation movements and peace movements; and in the international political economy.
Bringing contemporary feminist theory together with women's experiences of the 'international', Pettman shows how mainstream international relations is based on certain constructions of masculinity and femininity. Her ground-breaking analysis has implications for feminist politics as well as for the study of international relations.
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Goodluck for All of You...
A World Without Meaning. The Crisis of Meaning in International Politics
Zaki Laïdi
Routledge, 1998 - 225 Pages
The end of the Cold War marked not only the end of communism, but the emergence of a globalized world order and a crisis in national and ideological meaning. In this provocative and incisive book, Zaki Laidi argues that no power in our globalized world can any longer claim to provide meaning. As people look to old models like nationalism, religion and ethnicity to help them forge an identity, Laidi questions their effectiveness and certainty in a globalized world in a permanent state of flux. Our current inability to make sense of the world reveals an end to a way of thought dating back to the Enlightenment.
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Afganistan. Political Frailty and Esternal Interference
Afghanistan: Political Frailty and External Interference Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern History | |
Nabi Misdaq | |
Taylor and Francis, 2008 | |
0415470242, 9780415470247 | |
380 Pages |
As a former student of Political Science and a strict follower of the events of Afghanistan in the aftermath of the Soviet invasion and most recently, the post-9/11 era, I have tried to read the works written about my country and the agony of its people. I believe no nation in the course of history shed its blood so generously in defense of her identity, liberty, and faith. The book researched and written by Dr. Misdaq throws light on many unseen, dark corners of Afghanistan such as unmasking many of its false war heroes. It is well-written, well-researched, and I would like to add, thoroughly well done. For those scholars who want to know more and find unbiased facts about Afghanistan, I strongly recommend "Political Fraility and Foreign Interference." I wish Dr. Misdaq much success in this endeavor.
-Hafiz Karzai
An Afghan
The following academic reviews are offered on the inside cover of the book and should be of interest:
"Nabi Misdaq has a rare blend of skills. As an anthropologist he studied contemporary Afghan society and then worked for many years as a journalist with the BBC's Overseas Service in which capacity he met and interviewed most of Afghanistan's leading politicians. Combining these skills with a profound knowledge of Afghan history, he has produced an enthralling study which reveals the fundamental problems encountered by generations of Afghan rulers in attempting to create a legitimate, centralised Afghan state, problems which, as Misdaq also shows, still confront Afghanistan's present-day leadership."
- Ralph Grillo, Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Sussex
"'Afghanistan: Political Frailty and External Interference' is a timely book. At a time when the focus of the world is on the region, it is one of the few anthropological commentaries by a well-known native. Nabi Misdaq's book is detailed and insightful. He has established himself as an authority on Afghanistan. I strongly recommend the book."
- Dr Akbar S. Ahmed, Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies, American University, Washington DC
"Dr Nabi Misdaq has described in this book how the Afghans defended their identity and country, Afghanistan, in odd conditions throughout history, with a special focus on the last 300 years. The publication of this book, considering the current conditions in Afghanistan, is by itself an example of such defense. This is a thoroughly researched and compassionately argued work. I will recommend this book as a must for all those who have an interest in the geo-politics of Afghanistan."
- Dr Farouq Azam, former Afghan Minister of EducationYou can get this book freely by click here or put this link below and put in the new tab/window
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Africa and The North. Between Globalization and Marginalization
Routledge, 2005 - 175 halaman
This volume discusses Africa's place in the international system, examining the way in which the Westphalian system, in light of the impact of globalization and transnational networks, continues to play a major role in the structuring of Africa's international relations. The book provides a solid empirical analysis of key global players in Africa - France, the UK, the US, Japan, Germany, the EU and the UN - and of their policies towards the region. In the context of the 'war against terrorism', African political stability becomes a consideration of increasing importance. By analyzing the relevance of the states in the North, this book challenges conventional wisdom in recent international relations thinking. It applies the concept of an 'international policy community' to bridge the gap between the 'domestic' and the 'international', explaining why Africa retains a role in global politics out of any proportion to its economic weight. Africa and the Northwill interest students andscholars of international relations and African Politics.
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A Cultural Theory of Internationa Relation
Cambridge University Press, 2008 - 762 pages
In this exciting new volume, Richard Ned Lebow introduces his own constructivist theory of political order and international relations based on theories of motives and identity formation drawn from the ancient Greeks. His theory stresses the human need for self-esteem, and shows how it influences political behavior at every level of social aggregation. Lebow develops ideal-type worlds associated with four motives: appetite, spirit, reason and fear, and demonstrates how each generates a different logic concerning cooperation, conflict and risk-taking. Expanding and documenting the utility of his theory in a series of historical case studies, ranging from classical Greece to the war in Iraq, he presents a novel explanation for the rise of the state and the causes of war, and offers a reformulation of prospect theory. This is a novel theory of politics by one of the world's leading scholars of international relations.
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Africa's Challenge to International Relation Theory
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Kevin C. Dunn, Timothy M. Shaw
Africa has been noticeably absent in international relations theory. This new collection of essays by contemporary Africanists convincingly demonstrates the importance of the continent to every theoretical approach in international relations. The book breaks new ground in how we think about both international relations and Africa, re-examining such foundational concepts as sovereignty, the state, and power; critically investigating the salience of realism, neo-liberalism, liberalism in Africa, and providing new thinking about regionalism, security, and identity.
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Developing Countries and Global Trade Negotiation
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Larry Crump, Syed Javed Maswood
Routledge, 2007 - 208 pagesThe Doha Round of WTO negotiations commenced in November 2001 to further liberalize international trade and to specifically seek to remove trade barriers so developing countries might compete in major markets. This book brings together an international team of leading academics and researchers to explore the main issues of the Doha Round trade negotiations, such as agriculture, pharmaceuticals and services trade. In particular, it looks at how the formation of the G20 has complicated negotiations and made it harder to balance the competing interests of developed and developing countries, despite rhetorical assertion that the outcomes of this Round would reflect the interests of developing countries. The authors examine both how developing countries form alliances (such as the G20) to negotiate in the WTO meetings and also explore specific issues affecting developing countries including: trade in services investment, competition policy, trade facilitation and transparency ingovernment procurement TRIPS and public health agricultural tariffs and subsidies. Contributing to an understanding of the dynamics of trade negotiations and the future of multilateralism, Developing Countries and Global Trade Negotiations will appeal to students and scholars in the fields of international trade, international negotiations, IPE and international relations.
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Institution for the Common God. International Protection Regime in International Society
Bruce Cronin
Cambridge University Press, 2003 - 234 Pages
The protection of domestic populations by international institutions is both an anomaly and an enduring practice in international relations. It is an anomaly because in a system of sovereign states, the welfare of individuals and groups falls outside traditional definitions of state interest. Yet since the evolution of the nation-state system, collectivities of states have sought to protect religious minorities, dynastic families, national minorities, ethnic communities, individual citizens and refugees. Cronin explains this phenomenon by developing a theory that links international stability with the progress of a cohesive international order. His book examines how states attempt to provide for international stability by creating International Protection Regimes - multilateral institutions designed to protect clearly defined classes of people within sovereign states. It argues that in the aftermath of major systemic changes states try to create international orders by regulating the relationship between governments and their populations, particularly in newly-formed and reorganized states.
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Europe's Foreign and Security Policy. The Institutionalization of Cooperation
Michael Eugene Smith
Cambridge University Press, 2004 - 291 Pages
The emergence of a common security and foreign policy has been one of the most contentious issues accompanying the integration of the European Union. In this book, Michael Smith examines the specific ways foreign policy cooperation has been institutionalized in the EU, the way institutional development affects cooperative outcomes in foreign policy, and how those outcomes lead to new institutional reforms. Smith explains the evolution and performance of the institutional procedures of the EU using a unique analytical framework, supported by extensive empirical evidence drawn from interviews, case studies, official documents and secondary sources. His perceptive and well-informed analysis covers the entire history of EU foreign policy cooperation, from its origins in the late 1960s up to the start of the 2003 constitutional convention. Demonstrating the importance and extent of EU foreign/security policy, the book will be of interest to scholars, researchers and policy-makers.
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China's War on Terrorism. Counter-Insurgency, Politics and Internal Security
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Martin I. Wayne
Routledge, 2008 - 196 pagesChinaa??s war on terror is among its most prominent and least understood of campaigns. With links to the global jihad, an indigenous insurgency threatens the governmenta??s grip on a massive region of north- western China known as Xinjiang. Riots, bombings, ambushes, and assassinations have rocked the region under separatist and Islamist banners. China acted early and forcefully, and although brutal, their efforts represent one of the few successes in the global struggle against Islamist terrorism. The effectiveness of this campaign has raised questions regarding whether China genuinely confronts a terrorist threat. In this book, based on extensive fieldwork, Martin Wayne investigates Chinaa??s counterinsurgency effort, highlighting the success of an approach centred on reshaping local society and government institutions. At the same time, he raises the question of what the United States may be able to learn from Chinaa??s approach, and argues that as important a case asXinjiang needs to be fully examined in order for terrorism to be defeated. This book will be of interest to students of China, Asian politics, terrorism and security studies in general.
Agency, Structure and International Politic. From Ontology to Empirical Enquiry
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Gil Friedman, Harvey Starr
Routledge, 1997 - 170 Pages
This book is the first in-depth study of the concepts of agency and structure in the context of international relations and politics. It is an important contribution, examing the ways in which explanations of social phenomenon integrate and account for the interrelationship between agency and structure.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A Peaceful Jihad. Negotiating Identity and Modernity in Muslim Java
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Ronald Lukens-Bull
Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 - 152 pages
Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 - 152 pages
Based on extensive ethnographic research, this book examines how the Islamic community in Java, Indonesia, is actively negotiating both modernity and tradition in the contexts of nation-building, globalization, and a supposed clash of civilizations. The pesantren community, so-called because it is centered around an educational institution called the pesantren, uses education as a central arena for dealing with globalization and the construction and maintenance of an Indonesian Islamic identity. However, the community's efforts to wrestle with these issues extend beyond education into the public sphere in general and specifically in the area of leadership and politics. The case material is used to understand Muslim strategies and responses to civilizational contact and conflict. Scholars, educated readers, and advanced undergraduates interested in Islam, religious education, the construction of religious identity in the context of national politics, and globalization will find this work
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