Monday, September 6, 2010

Democracy in the Courths: Lay Participation in European Criminal Justice Systems

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Marijke Malsch
Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2009 - 232pages

This work examines lay participation in the administration of justice and how it reflects certain democratic principles. An international comparative perspective is taken for exploring how lay people are involved in the trial of criminal cases in European countries and how this impacts on their perspectives of the national legal systems. Comparisons between countries are made regarding how and to what extent lay participation takes place. The relation between lay participation and the legal system's legitimacy is analysed. The book presents the results of interviews with both professional judges and lay participants in a number of European countries regarding their views on the involvement of lay people in the legal system. The ways in which judges and lay people interact while trying cases are explored. The characteristics of both professional and lay judging of cases are examined.

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